Using a non-genuine Apple Watch charger can be dangerous as it may generate heat and slow charging speed!

I’m using Apple Watch SE (2nd generation).

I use two types of chargers, one genuine Apple and one non-genuine, in different rooms.

However, if you use a non-genuine charger, it will take a very long time to charge, and the watch body, especially the part on the back where the charger is installed, will become extremely hot.

A while ago, my Watch got so hot that it froze and then restarted.

It’s convenient because you can charge it just by placing it with your iPhone, but I felt it was dangerous so I thought it would be better not to use it…

Apple’s genuine Apple Watch charger charges quickly, so it may be better to use only this charger.

Apple Watch 磁気充電ケーブル(1m)

Apple Watch 磁気充電ケーブル(1m)

4,156円(01/26 16:57時点)

header: fancycrave1によるPixabayからの画像

Apple Watch充電器、純正以外のものを使ったら発熱と充電スピードの遅さがヤバかった!

AppleWatch SE(第2世代)を使っています。






Apple Watch 磁気充電ケーブル(1m)

Apple Watch 磁気充電ケーブル(1m)

4,156円(01/26 16:57時点)

header: fancycrave1によるPixabayからの画像