
I went to Haneda Airport for studying Infographics.
I took a photograph of the sign in the airport and the infographics of the guide board, so I will introduce it in the photograph.


チェックイン機 / Check-in machine


充電用の電源 / Power supply for charging


空港内のモスバーガーにて / At Mos Burger in the airport

ハンバーガーを作る手順のインフォグラフィックス / Infographics of procedures to make hamburgers

滑走路の地面に書かれているのもサイン / It is also signs written on the ground of the runway


「日本」を感じさせる案内板 / Guide board that makes you feel “Japan”



It was the terminal of the international line this time. For people other than Japanese to use a lot, the sign system used English mainly, and there were many simple and clear expressions.

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