ギンザ・グラフィック・ギャラリーで開催されていた、「組版造形 白井敬尚」展を鑑賞しました。
グラフィックデザイナー 白井敬尚さんの手がけた書籍や雑誌などが並ぶ大規模な個展です。
I watched the exhibition “Typographic Composition, Yoshihisa Shirai ” which was held at the Ginza Graphic Gallery.
This is a large-scale solo exhibition featuring graphic designer Yoshihisa Shirai’s books and magazines.
Reception party on September 26 was a great success.
Not only the books Mr. Shirai handled the design, but also precious materials that he referred to at the time of design creation were displayed.
Heikichi Harata special issue of “idea” magazine. At that time, I was quite shocked by the design of this issue.
Mr. Shiroi used format paper for the design of “idea” magazine, too. This is pretty valuable!
I like this book very much. “Design of Penguin Books”.
白井さんのデザインした本は、結構チェックしていると思っていたのですが、今回の展示で初めて見る物も多く、とても面白かったです。 どの本も、とても美しいレイアウトとタイポグラフィでした。
I thought that the book I designed by Mr. Shirai pretty much checked, but there were so many things to see for the first time in this exhibition and it was very interesting. Every book was a very beautiful layout and typography.
information 組版造形 白井敬尚 2017年09月26日(火)~11月07日(火) ギンザ・グラフィック・ギャラリー(ggg) Typographic Composition, Yoshihisa Shirai September 26, 2017 - November 07, 2017 Ginza Graphic Gallery website: http://www.dnp.co.jp/CGI/gallery/schedule/detail.cgi?l=1&t=1&seq=00000709